We Help Wholesalers Run Their Business
Indigo8's premium software powers hundreds of fashion brands
Both our Enterprise and Lite products are optimised for wholesale sales, providing outstanding functionality that drives business efficiencies. Our software system gives you and your team real time access to customer information, orders and inventory. All packaged into the most beautiful interface on the market today.
Our unique design lets you access all the information you use and need every day - product information, pricing in multiple currencies (buy wholesale and retail prices), as well as the ability to mark down styles, drop styles and or colours and so much more. All of these time-saving features have been built into our fashion business software utilising our new visual interface design.
The ordering system is best in class! With our system delivering new functions that reduce data entry times by enabling you to efficiently build sales order forms, import orders from excel, Joor, Brand Boom or Brandscope.
When you need to sell from inventory, Indigo8 make it more intuitive than ever. Just add the style to an order and click the inventory button to see available stock, or any quantities on order that can be used for this customer.
The sales allocation module is the ultimate time saver no matter which product you choose, both Enterprise and Lite share this incredible screen. The sales allocation area shows all your wholesale orders and consolidates them onto purchase orders for you. This marvelous tool has already saved our customers hundreds of hours.
Indigo8 is an inventory management solution that goes far beyond what you would expect. It is the heart of your inventory, capable of managing stock levels on multiple web sites, bricks and mortar stores and all the warehouse functions you can imagine.
Our Wholesale Buyer Platform. Accessible to all Indigo8 customers, the Wholesale Buyer Platform is a dedicated website for accepting online orders 24/7.
Product Management
We manage products like no-one else, using our Visual Interface Technology, Auto Import features and APIs.
Indigo8 create powerful, easy to use solutions for wholesale, fashion and like minded brands, that want to organise their daily operations.
Through to our Enterprise solution, which can be customised to suit and can manage hundreds of users.
Sell Better
Drag and drop your sales orders. Orders from inventory integrate through to your website. Sell from your iPad, create custom line sheets and much more.
Designed to manage your daily operations, Indigo8 stores all the styles / products you develop and sell, manages samples, costing and the sales process.
Any indent orders are automatically consolidated for maker orders. These are then accepted into the warehouse to manage inventory and distribution of those orders.
Invoicing is managed with ease and we have full integration with major e-commerce providers such as Magento, Shopify and Big Commerce.
If you have your own stores then we also have an integrated POS solution available for iPad or PC.
If you are a growing fashion business, that has wholesale as an important component, Indigo8's intuitive interface, smooth integration, included training will help you to run your business better.
To find out more about the Indigo8 platform, or to arrange a demonstration of the power and ease-of-use of Indigo8, get in touch with a helpful staff member today.
Order Better
When it's time to order your inventory, we are second to none!
Visual, intuitive interfaces are what we are famous for. Our entire Lite product can be learned on average in just four training sessions and our Enterprise product is implemented by knowledgeable staff to integrate in with your current processes and help your business work better.
After your first session you will be able to enter products, automate your pricing and enter sales orders.
We use your item's images, not numbers, to represent your designs. This greatly reduces the learning curve and helps to make all of your processes easier and more understandable.
Distribute Better
Delivering your goods requires paperwork and a great inventory management system. We take care of that too.
Indigo8 is a program that sits on your computer, just like Skype and Office. It does not need a browser to run, giving you a richer more responsive solution.
Access your system from home, office or hotel room. Just download the Mac or PC version, install and login.
Cost benefits
Our Lite product starts at just AUD $2000 per month and is the perfect system for small business. For larger businesses we have our Enterprise solution, which can be customised to suit you and can manage hundreds of users.
Daily Operations
Designed to help manage, and systemise, your daily operations, Indigo8 stores all of the styles, and products, you develop and sell. It also efficiently manages samples, costing and the sales process, saving you hours of time.
Time to Sell
With our Intuitive Visual Interface coming to the fore, you can generate sales orders with a simple drag-and-drop process. Using sales agents? We help them sell more through our iPad app, which updates your system automatically!
Order & Distribute
With our intuitive interface, using images for your products instead of numbers, wherever possible, you will be able to enter sales orders in a matter of minutes. This process is also true for receiving and sending goods, and invoicing.